4 Steps to Peak Performance

4 Steps to Peak Performance

Are you looking to improve your speed and overall athletic performance? If yes, this is for you! 

This post highlights the main components that will assist you in improving your ability by increasing your speed and boosting athletic performance!


In order to improve your speed you must first understand the specific components that will allow you to run fast or to increase your speed from point A to point B. Those specific components are balance, stability, strength and power. You must have all four working in alignment with one another to truly capitalize on becoming faster and to enhance your overall performance as an athlete.

Most athletes believe they have to perform a lot of different movements, exercises, workouts to gain the speed that they’re looking for and most times they just don’t even attempt at it because the concept of speed training may be too complex. But I'm here to reassure you that, you have the ability to improve from where you’re currently at regardless of how fast or slow you may feel right now. Just because you need to improve your speed that doesn’t mean to run harder or to run more when you’re training. You only need to know the specifics of moving your body effectively from Point A to Point B. Balance, stability, strength and power are the combo catalysts for making it all work.

Let’s take a brief look into those 4 catalysts…


So what exactly is the difference between balance and stability and how are they connected to speed training? They seem similar and in some ways they are but they do have a few differences as to what needs to be focused on during each component. You need both to create physical awareness and know-how if you desire to have a positive progression throughout your speed training sessions and come out successful.

Balance is an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady


Balance also is a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions; center of gravity.

Stability is maintaining control of the mass of the body while moving or being moved or remaining balanced while moving.

Looking at the differences and the similarities, you’re now aware of the reason as to why they’re so important. Balance requires you to be aware of your weight proportion in relation to center of gravity and stability requires you to be aware of how to move your weight effectively while remaining centered. It’s clear that you need to be aware of the benefits of utilizing both to help increase your speed and athletic performance! Comprehending these 2 things from a mental (learning) and physical (applying) standpoint is vital to not only know fundamentally what needs to be done to improve your speed and performance but HOW to do it! In addition balance and stability also help to develop and improve your directional awareness which involves change of direction.

Changing direction effectively requires you to build your directional awareness by strengthening your foundation. When you strengthen your foundation utilizing balance and stability it allows you to be able to go from acceleration to deceleration in order to change direction SAFELY and effectively. It’s important to understand these key points when talking about balance and stability training because this type of training helps to prevent injury, specifically when it’s time to change direction. Athletes are more prone to injury if they lack balance and stability and the most common injuries are of the ankles, knees and hips. When you lack balance and stability your muscles and joints are weaker and become more susceptible to injury.

As you can see balance and stability practice is vital to include in your process to peak performance and to prevent injury so you have the ability to keep peaking!


Strength and Power on the other hand are just natural progressions from increasing your balance and stability awareness. When you acknowledge balance and stability as your foundation or structural awareness and apply those effectively, then strength, power and explosiveness will be sure to follow.


If you have trouble remaining balanced and stable whether it be stationary, static or dynamic (moving) I’m sure, the immediate feeling is a lack of strength. When your awareness of balance and stability has increased you’ve already begun to build the strength you need to apply power, explosiveness and force to become faster and better at what you do!

Focusing on building a strong foundation first within balance and stability is key to being able to generate the STRENGTH, POWER, explosiveness and BIG FORCE that you need when you need it! When we’re able to apply those things to our foundation, increased speed is next in line. 

There are 2 main areas that we need to build the specific physical strength that we’re looking for in order to be powerful.

  1. Reactive Strength

  2. Explosive Strength

Reactive Strength is the measure of explosive strength or the ability to produce a HIGH amount of force in minimal time

Explosive Strength is the ability to generate BIG FORCE with your leg-foot drive or the ability to produce a HIGHER amount of force in minimal time

Looking back on all definitions allows you to now be aware of and understand why there is a direct correlation between improving all 4 and the desire to improve your SPEED and PERFORMANCE, especially within a shorter span of time!

No need to overwork yourself. You just need to work on the specifics to build the strong foundation you need to provide balance, stability, strength, power and explosiveness to your body in motion to produce a faster speed from point A to point B. When you focus on the tools it takes to increase your speed, you automatically improve your athletic performance overall!

If you’re interested in more information or learning how to boost your performance, check out my book….

4 Steps to Peak Performance

Available SOON for purchase‼️

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